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Our Champions

A Love Story – Ed & Cindy Beck

When our marriage vows said in sickness and in health, little did I realize the true blessing of what marriage is all about.

This love story begins in April 1978 when Cindy, from New Jersey and Ed, from New York, headed to the West Coast to work for IBM.  Cindy had recently graduated from college and I was recently discharged from the Army after Vietnam.  After dating for about 4 and 1/2 years we got married at the Cadet Chapel at West Point. Our honeymoon was fantastic as we traveled around Europe, and made two weeks of great memories.

We have two incredible children who have developed into wonderful adults, both married with children.

In October 2020, after a dentist appointment, I began slurring my speech.  Cindy dragged me to several neurologists until finally, in May 2021 at Mass General, I was diagnosed with ALS.  This is where Cindy, the love of my life, stepped up and told me how we were going to attack this disease.  She has been the driving force behind the entire program trying to keep me healthy and developing a “Team Ed” to support me during this journey.


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Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS
PO Box #9886
Denver, CO 80209


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