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Our Champions

Big Hairy Audacious Goals

Our co-founder Augie Nieto loved big goals – he inspired all of us to dream big, and nothing was more important than tackling the goal of finding effective treatments for ALS. He would be proud to introduce you to Evin, who has a “Big Hairy Audacious Goal” to complete his first Ironman, and raise $1 million for ALS in honor of his beloved father-in-law.

I saw first-hand the support that Chris needed to navigate ALS and redefine his new normal. I’m supporting Augie’s Quest to find a way to support others diagnosed with ALS, as we are dedicated to funding innovative research to find effective treatments and ultimately a cure for this devastating disease.

When I first learned that Chris (my father-in-law) was diagnosed with ALS, I didn’t understand the impact it would have or how quick it would be.

For Chris, everything changed fast!

Within nine months he was in a wheelchair. Soon after that, he needed to be spoon fed and then he lost his ability to speak. In less than two years after being diagnosed, he passed.

Things that we all take for granted, like getting out of bed, going to the bathroom, taking a sip of water, bringing a spoonful of food to your mouth, and communicating freely with friends and loved ones, became impossible. Through it all, he showed strength and determination to embrace his new normal and continue living his life. 

Chris was always the life of the party, even when he was using his Eyegaze as his primary form of communication. In October of 2020 my wife and I, along with her sisters and their families all moved to North Carolina to spend time with Chris. Every weekend we had movie nights and at-home hibachi (we got a hibachi plate for the grill, a hibachi chef’s hat and everything that was needed to reenact the experience). Some of the best nights were when we just hung out and chatted, it felt nostalgic. We were all adults but felt like kids sitting on the floor joking around with Chris watching over us.

Even with all the fond memories, watching Chris go through this was extremely difficult. Chris loved to ride his bike, be at the farm hunting, or out on the water in his boat. ALS robbed him of the things he loved. I knew how much these activities meant to him and I hated that he could no longer enjoy them.

Ever since Chris got sick and started to lose his ability to do the things he loved, I wanted to do something to help. After he passed, I was searching for something to do to honor his legacy and make him proud. After 5 years the idea came to me, or more accurately, it was pushed on me in an inspiring way. 

When I was first asked if I was interested in attempting an Ironman, my answer was ”absolutely not!” I’m a terrible swimmer, I haven’t been on a road bike in over 10 years, and I don’t long distance train for running. I’ve got no business doing an Ironman and it would take me years to prepare for the swim alone…
But for some reason the thought kept circling back to me. It would be cool to complete an Ironman. It was such an insane test of endurance and it excited me. More importantly, I knew Chris would be excited about the idea as he competed in triathlons in the late 80’s. 

I thought the 2.4 mile swim would be impossible for me. The thought continued to come up and the final straw was when I started thinking about Chris’s life, and how he loved to be outside on his bike. He would have given anything for a chance to ride his bike one last time, and I was letting my fear of swimming stop me accepting the challenge.

Along with attempting to finish my first Ironman, I am attempting to raise $1m for ALS to support those who don’t have the means to navigate this crippling disease.

He would have given anything for a chance to ride his bike one last time, and I was letting my fear of swimming stop me from accepting the challenge.

Just like Chris was my inspiration to take on this impossible challenge, I hope to inspire others to do the same. Join me on my journey. I’ll be documenting it on social media, leading up to the event on Nov 2nd, 2024 in Panama City Beach,

Follow me on Instagram @evinodriscoll as I honor Chris and train for my first Iron Man.


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Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS
PO Box #9886
Denver, CO 80209


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