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Our Champions

Catherine Scott

Being thankful is a beautiful means of allowing you to appreciate and embrace all that is truly precious in your life.  It is a gift to yourself, one which uniquely fosters genuine happiness and joy in the present moment.  It ought not to be solely a seasonal reflection but, rather, a constant presence in our hearts and minds.  Our inner solitude and serenity depends upon it.

I am a 47-year-old woman who is living with ALS, breathes with the assistance of a trach and ventilator, eats through a feeding tube, talks with a specialized computer, is nearly paralyzed and wheelchair-bound.  Much of my endeavors are accomplished using only the movements of my eyes, including writing this piece.  (Modern-day technology is amazing.)  One may look at me and feel nothing but pity, and many actually have.  They simply don’t see all that I am, all the blessings in my life, all that I am grateful for.

I am alive.
I love deeply and am loved equally in return.
I have a purpose and find profound meaning in life.
I am able to be of help and service to others and remain surprisingly productive.
I have the loving, unconditional support and care I need to survive.

The choice is ours to make.  Will we focus on what we don’t have and are unable to do, or will we value the blessings in our life and what we can yet still do?  Regardless of one’s circumstances, there’s always, absolutely always, something to be thankful for.  I challenge you to find those very things and hold them close to your heart.

Much love to you all.

Catherine Scott



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PO Box #9886
Denver, CO 80209

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