Our Champions
Kerry & Tanya’s Love Story
“I was made to love you”
We met on the campus at the University of Alabama, dated a bit, and kept in touch after we parted ways. We reconnected years later in Atlanta. He joined my church in the morning, and we were engaged in the evening. He asked me to marry him at a concert under the beautiful stars to one of our favorite artists singing… “I was made to love you.” Our wedding was a fairy tale, and we will celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary on February 15. We are blessed with 5 children.
Kerry was diagnosed with ALS in July of 2015, and ALS has changed our lives tremendously. We don’t say “negatively” because we are truly blessed with a new community of friends to add on to our amazing existing family and friends. ALS has brought our family closer together. We truly cherish each moment that we have. We don’t look at how much the disease has robbed us from, but we make each millisecond count. Our love endureth all things