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Our Champions

Love at first sight!

Our Love story begins way back in Costa Rica in 1991.  We met thanks to Hurricane Andrew as Simon (from Miami) was visiting Costa Rica on business.  His stay was fortuitously extended because of weather conditions. Long story short, we were introduced at my grandfather’s 75th birthday and it was love at first sight! Two weeks later, we reunited in Miami and married a year later in October of 1993!

Fast forward to today…27+ years of marital bliss –  most of the time 🙂

We have two amazing kids, Alexandra and Daniel and our four legged child, Samba!  In 2016 we motived something strange was happening with Simon’s foot and our diagnosis came shortly after.  ALS does NOT stop us. We embrace change as it comes. We are blessed to have the unconditional love of family and friends.

We thank God for each day.  Yes, we have hard days but we are reminded each day that we are blessed to have each other, our kids, our family and our friends. F.U. ALS! You have no idea who you are messing with!




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ALS won’t stop and neither will Augie’s Quest

Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS
PO Box #9886
Denver, CO 80209


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