Our Champions
Today is my 65th birthday, and I am thankful to be here.
The past 7 months have been the most difficult of the almost 18 years since I have had ALS. I have felt despair and hopelessness and have gone to some really dark places.
Through it all, Lynne has been by my side and has been my tireless advocate. I love you, Lynne.
My corneas are badly scarred due to my inability to blink, even with all the special drops and eye care. It was extremely challenging to see my computer to write to communicate. We were told that our last “Hail Mary pass” was to have cataract surgery. My doctor told us in early December that the surgery was elective and therefore couldn’t happen for a few months. As we were leaving the clinic, Lynne pulled him aside and told him that this was indeed urgent because I could not communicate without it. He took Lynne’s words to heart, and I had the surgery on both of my eyes, and I am encouraged with the outcome. TOUCHDOWN! My vision is about 80% better than before, and I can see without glasses.
This improvement in my vision, and therefore my ability to communicate has given me HOPE. Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS remains my priority, and we are focused on funding the best science to find a CURE for ALS.
I am no longer looking at the future as my enemy, and I am looking forward to the things that I can do, and not mourning the things I can’t. Things have come full circle again, and I am thankful for this second (maybe third or fourth!) chance at life!
I was thrilled to read the Love Stories shared this month by so many amazing people who happen to be in this “ALS club.” I know having Lynne by my side has made this journey so much easier, and I was inspired by reading the stories from Maddie, Stephen and Rebekah, Jennifer, Brady, Rich and Hallie.
-Augie Nieto