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Phil Green


As a loving father of four wonderful children (Arianne-17, Hunter-15, Parker-11, Whitney-8) and a husband to a smart, talented, and beautiful wife (Jennifer), my ALS diagnosis in August 2018 came as a complete shock to us all!

Even though I participated in the Ice Bucket Challenge in 2014, I really had no idea what ALS was and didn’t understand what amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is – and certainly had no idea of the devastation that it leaves in its wake.

I was fortunate enough to connect with Augie’s Quest shortly after my diagnosis, and was welcomed into the family by Augie, Lynne, Shannon, and the rest of the team immediately. I was honored and humbled when Augie invited me to join his Leadership Advisory Council at Augie’s Quest.

This time last year, I was waiting for a June appointment for an EMG after having my first neurologist consultation to figure out why my muscles were twitching for more than a year.  At that time, I was not aware that it was just ALS Awareness Month, even though my research indicated that my issues and symptoms could possibly be ALS.

I am encouraged by the many campaigns and fundraising programs held this time of year by corporations such as Orangetheory Fitness (big shout-out for raising the bar each year – bringing in $4.5 million this year alone!), Crunch Fitness, and Dutch Bros to name a few. These programs help raise awareness to a broader community, not to mention bringing in a tremendous amount of money for research to help us end ALS.

In the words of our friend Augie Nieto, “ALS is not an incurable disease, it is an underfunded one.“ Without increased awareness, we would be challenged to raise the urgently needed funds to spur this important research for effective cures and treatments forward.

As a person living with ALS, I treat every day as an opportunity to increase ALS awareness. Every day is ALS Awareness Day. Every month is ALS Awareness Month.

While attending the University of Washington in Seattle, I was fortunate enough to be a member of two Rose Bowl football teams, one of which won the 1991 National Championship. Shortly after graduating in 1993, I left Seattle for Colorado, then Massachusetts, Arizona, and California. In 2005, I moved back to Seattle and developed some deeper roots in the Pacific Northwest, up until we moved back to Southern California almost two years ago.

Since my diagnosis, I have been actively involved in various activities and organizations (Augie’s Quest, I AM ALS, Team Gleason, ALS TDI) to raise awareness and make a difference in the fight to end ALS. I have appeared on several podcasts to talk about ALS, including the GoHuskies Podcast for the University of Washington, where I was a member of. My story was also featured in the GoHuskies Magazine which is distributed to UW Athletics season ticket holders. I am also producing and hosting my own podcast called the I AM ALS Podcast, on which I interview top researchers, showcase some incredible in the ALS community, highlight leading ALS organizations, and discuss other important and topics for the ALS community.

Given my link to the Seattle area, I immediately wanted to participate in Augie’s Quest’s Cure ALS Golf Classic in Seattle September 9th, and get my network of friends involved to make a difference.  This year’s tournament will feature one of my friends and ROOT SPORTS personality, Angie Mentink. Hopefully, my participation can help the Augie’s Quest team make this tournament an even bigger success than it was last year.

There are always opportunities to educate more people about ALS, and really make a difference in this fight… far beyond the official ALS Awareness Month of May.

~ Phil Green

Brian Wallach


Brian Wallach is an ALS Warrior on a mission to win this ALS fight, to unlock critical breakthroughs for not just ALS, but Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Frontal Temporal Dementia, and beyond and save the lives of millions of people. He founded I AM ALS in January 2019 with every intention of making this dream a reality, and is committed to working alongside Augie’s Quest and the entire ALS community to find a cure, and not in the next 20 years, but in the next three.  

A practicing attorney, former U.S. Attorney and staffer for President Obama, Brian recently testified before Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, Chair of the House Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee on the underfunding of ALS research during the subcommittee’s Public Witness Day.

“I sit here filled with hope. Why? Because we can actually cure ALS. How? By fully and boldly funding the fight against ALS,” Brian says in his opening comments. “The research that this subcommittee has funded over the last decade enables me to say, and truly believe, that it is no longer a question of if we can cure ALS, but when.”

Brian is a man after Augie Nieto’s own heart – and one we’re extremely excited to work alongside (be sure to check out a recap of our time together with Orangetheory Fitness at Wrigley Field). It is going to take a village to #EndALS, and having Brian as a dynamic leader and partner is key to our success. Read and see more about Brian’s story in his own words (also available via


This is an ALS Story. It happens to be my story. But it could be your story. Your spouse’s story. Your child’s story.

I was diagnosed with ALS in November 2017. I was 37. With two girls under three. And I was told then that this disease will take my life. Rob my daughters of their father. And my wife of her husband.

That, however, is not how my story will end. Why? Because, together we are going to cure ALS. The first time I heard the words “ALS” from my doctors was on August 14, 2017. As those words crashed around her office, my family and I asked questions. Trying desperately to make sense of this diagnosis.

Wasn’t I too young to have ALS? How could I have it if we have no family history of ALS? Aren’t there parts of my symptoms that suggest something else, anything else?

The answers didn’t come that day. There is not yet a test to diagnosis someone with ALS. Instead, it is a diagnosis that is reached when all other options are exhausted. What doctors call a diagnosis by exclusion.

And as we were waiting for that diagnosis we read everything we could find about ALS.

Let me start with the punchline: there is no cure right now for ALS.

  • Every 4.4 minutes someone in the world is diagnosed with ALS.
  • Every 4.4 minutes someone dies of ALS.
  • In the time it takes you to read this document someone’s son will have been diagnosed with ALS and someone’s mother will have died from ALS.
  • ALS is a disease that turns your body against itself. It causes your body to attack itself. To wear out its muscles until you can no longer move your hands. Your arms. Your legs. Eat. And ultimately breathe.
  • Lou Gehrig had ALS. So did Stephen Hawking.
  • So do nearly 500,000 people around the world.
  • One out of every 500 Americans will be diagnosed with ALS. Those diagnosed are young and old, male and female, and every skin color.
  • ALS doesn’t discriminate. It can affect anyone.
  • 90% of the people diagnosed with ALS have no family history of ALS. 90%
    On average, they will live 2 to 5 years after being given this diagnosis. 

So this story, my story, is actually our story—because if ALS can affect anyone, curing it takes everyone. The good news is that our story can have a happy ending.

That’s because ALS is not an incurable disease; it is an underfunded one. Indeed, even though ALS research is badly underfunded, researchers are closer to finding a cure than ever before having identified over 40 genes connected to ALS.

In fact, the tools are in place to defeat ALS. The ALS community has the necessary building blocks of a movement for a cure: patients, advocates, and organizations striving for new recognition, new commitments, and new breakthroughs. They remain hopeful, driven, inspiring and inspired.

What is missing from the fight right now is a patient-led, patient-centric movement that can empower those in the fight and bring those not affected by the disease into our struggle.

So that’s what we have built with I AM ALS.

A patient-led, patient-centric movement that will drive collaboration, build and provide critical missing resources for the ALS community, organize and empower the ALS community, and drive increased awareness of ALS in order to generate millions of dollars in new funding to accelerate finding a cure. 

Thank you for joining us—the patients, caregivers, advocates, and doctors at the helm of I AM ALS—in this fight. As I sit here typing these words, I am filled with hope because I truly believe that I will live to see a cure for ALS. A cure that will allow me to raise my girls with my wife. To be there for the father-daughter wedding dance. A cure that will change the lives of tens of thousands by ensuring that no patient ever has to be told, “you have ALS, get your affairs in order.”

Please join I AM ALS and Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS – like, follow, share and sign up for the latest in news and efforts to #EndALS.

Will You Lend Us Your Voice?


Check out our May 2019 edition of ‘Science Corner’, with Fernando Vieira, M.D. – the Chief Scientific Officer at ALS Therapy Development Institute. Stay tuned every month for exciting updates on ALS research!

Losing your voice. It is one of many challenges people diagnosed with ALS will confront. For many, it’s one they fear most over the course of their disease, and with good reason. Losing the ability to speak, is usually a slow progression, but over time it becomes increasingly more difficult for people with ALS to vocalize their thoughts clearly. It can also be difficult for others to understand someone who has a neurodegenerative condition like ALS, that attacks the very muscles we use to make vocal sounds, verbalize and simply talk.

Many people with ALS will use communication devices at some point, turning to onscreen key boards that respond to eye-gaze technology or other commands. For Augie, he controls his device via a rollerball that he maneuvers with his toe. Pretty remarkable technology that’s come a long way, but yet these communication tools are still too often slow and frustrating for everyone involved.

Our team of scientists at ALS TDI, through an exciting new partnership with Google, is working to change that. Working together, we hope in the near future there will be a variety of personalized voice recognition options available to improve communications for people with ALS.

In the past several years, voice recognition modeling has advanced significantly using artificial intelligence and technology, but it still doesn’t work well for those that are voice impaired. That’s in part because no one has collected large enough data sets of vocalizations from people with ALS, or other disabilities where speech is affected, like cerebral palsy or Down’s syndrome, as has been the case in collecting data and examples to decipher accents and dialects.

The vision is: the more “voice impaired” samples we can collect and integrate into the Google AI model, the better its voice recognition technology will be at recognizing the varied or impaired speech patterns of people with ALS, and others. With the limited data already collected, results are proving positive. It is exciting, but we need more data. We need more voices!

That’s where people with ALS come in. By participating in ALS TDI’s Precision Medicine Program (PMP), anyone with ALS can help advance this exciting voice recognition technology.  Through PMP, we are collecting voice recordings from people with ALS and will use these data to optimize Google’s AI-based algorithms and work to apply it to our ALS learnings and discoveries in the ALS TDI laboratory.

Every bit of new information we unravel about ALS through our PMP efforts help us reveal other changes happening to the body, simultaneously, giving us new ways to learn, consider and advance new treatment options for ALS.

Such technological advancements are coming fast, and may one day allow people with ALS to never lose their voice – among other things! Strategic partnerships, like the one we now have with Google, could be gamechangers for our incredible ALS community.

If you are a person with ALS, or know someone who is, please have them reach out and connect with our team to participate in this exciting work.

Join me this ALS Awareness Month!


Hi everyone! May is one of my favorite months of the year. ALS Awareness Month allows so many members of this important community to tell their stories, and rally around the importance of ALS research. This year is no different, and there are so many ways you can show your support. Please consider some simple actions that have a huge impact!

1. Add a Frame to Your Facebook Profile Picture

Join me in changing your Facebook Profile Picture during ALS Awareness Month! Click HERE to add this frame to your photos – invite your friends and family to do the same.

2. Consider Hosting a Facebook Fundraiser!

It’s easy to join the quest to #EndALS – start with your own fundraiser for Augie’s Quest!

Visit  to start.

A box will automatically appear that says ‘Let’s start with the basics,’ and Augie’s Quest will be pre-selected as your charity of choice.

You can then create your personal fundraising goal, and select the date your fundraiser will end. To host your fundraiser for ALS Awareness Month, choose June, 1, 2019 for the end of the fundraiser. Or keep yours open for longer! Once this is completed, click ‘Next!’

In the second step of creating your fundraiser, you have the opportunity to share why you selected Augie’s Quest as your charity of choice during ALS Awareness Month. To begin, you will select a title for your fundraiser. Suggestions might include:

Support Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS!

Give to Augie’s Quest during ALS Awareness Month

Join me in my fight against ALS!

If you have a personal connection to ALS, we encourage you to share your experiences and why our work matters to you. One example of this section can be found below:

Once this section is completed, you can click ‘Next’, add a photo, and launch your campaign!

Thanks so much for your support this month. Together, we can #EndALS!

~ Augie

Science Corner


Check out our May 2019 edition of ‘Science Corner’, with Fernando Vieira, M.D. – the Chief Scientific Officer at ALS Therapy Development Institute. Stay tuned every month for exciting updates on ALS research!

In March, I had the pleasure of attending the 14th Annual BASH for Augie’s Quest in San Diego. The event provided an opportunity for fitness industry leaders to come together and celebrate their contributions to the ALS research space, while also raising nearly $1.9 million for ALS research.

Being in San Diego did give me the opportunity to escape some cold Massachusetts weather, but the highlight of my weekend was having the opportunity to share exciting updates in ALS research with families in Southern California. For these families, and so many more around the country, there is so much information out there about ALS – the best plan of action for treatment, the best hospitals and doctors, what to recognize in the progression of the disease.

As a scientist and researcher, I have a little different perspective on things I want these families to know. Please share this with friends and family throughout this month, as we hope to build as much awareness as possible to help end ALS once and for all. May is ALS Awareness Month, so we need your help to spread the word!

  1. Today, there is hope for those diagnosed with ALS.

  2. You have the opportunity to be a part of that hope.

As the Chief Scientific Officer at ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI), I am proud to say that we have the most robust pipeline of potential ALS treatments in our entire history.

ALS is an incredibly complex disease, because each person’s ALS is totally unique. We know that we will need several distinct treatment options to support the diversity of the ALS community, and give every ALS patient the chance to fight this disease.

ALS TDI is unique because we understand the need for a comprehensive approach to ALS treatment; and with so many drugs in the research pipeline all under one roof, we are able to quickly apply findings across multiple projects and accelerate our research. Because of the support Augie’s Quest has offered us, I am confident ALS TDI is equipped to develop treatments as fast or faster than anyone else. And today, ALS patients can help – help themselves and the research.

To date, we have enrolled more than 500 individuals with ALS in our Precision Medicine (PMP) program. Through PMP, we monitor areas like movement and speech – two key functions affected by ALS. All of our clinical assessments are captured using in-home technologies. Furthermore, each participant has access to their own data so they can be empowered by information to work with their physicians to make the best decisions about their own care. We are committed to personal and open relationships with people with ALS- and we hope that by partnering with new patients in the program, we can make huge leaps in the research process.

None of this would be possible without the support of Augie’s Quest and the entire ALS community, and I am so optimistic for what the future will bring. From Boston to San Diego, there’s no community more important to me.

If you know someone with ALS who could benefit from these efforts – reach out! To learn more about the Precision Medicine Program, please visit

Lisa O’Brien


Lisa O’Brien is an owner/operator of three OrangeTheory Fitness studios in Geneva, St. Charles and Elgin, Illinois. Here, she shares her personal family connection to ALS and why getting behind Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS is so important:

“My mom was just 46 when she was diagnosed with ALS. My three siblings and I were just kids, ranging in ages between 10 and 25. At the time, she was given only 3-6 months to live. She lived for 9 years with ALS. And fought hard, every step of the way. I feel so blessed to be involved with OTF, and afforded the platform to help not only bring awareness to this devastatingly awful disease, but to work to find a cure.

I hope together, as an OTF family, we can help others facing this dreadful ALS prognosis – one I know thousands are praying to NOT hear. I am beyond proud of our community, for joining forces to support, donate and stand up at many events around this cause. I know, we as a country, as a community, as Orangetheory Fitness will help Augie’s Quest find a cure and #endALS once and for all.”

Lisa and her family and friends will soon join thousands in the Chicagoland Orangetheory Fitness community to support Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS through our annual ALS Awareness Month campaign.

The Illinois OTF CoOp is also challenging their community to come out en mass on May 18 at Wrigley Field, the Home of the Chicago Cubs, to break the World Record for the largest HiiT class, all while benefitting Augie’s Quest. Learn more, get involved and be inspired about what is possible when OTF comes together to #Burn4ALS at

Aly Milano


ALS Awareness Month is especially important to Aly Milano’s family because it brings awareness to the struggles their family deals with on a daily basis. Here’s more from Aly, in her own words…

I have been working out at OrangeTheory in Naperville with my two sisters since 2016! It was our time to escape from the realities of ALS and have an hour to ourselves. After seeing the staff always having fun with one another, I decided to apply to work there. I love my OTF family and they have been by my side through all of my family’s hardships. I am so proud of our collective work at OrangeTheory to get behind Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS and raise much needed funds to #EndALS once and for all. And we can’t wait to be a part of the May 18 event at Wrigley Field!

We need to bring more attention to this awful disease and I am so proud to be supporting Augie’s Quest to do just that! The more awareness we can bring to this underfunded disease, the closer we get to finding a cure.

My mom, Moe, was first diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer in 2004 at the age of 37. With my dad, Paul and my two sisters by her side, she successfully fought that cancer, only to have it return 8 years later in 2012. More serious, Stage 4 cancer had metastasized to her bones.

While always by my mom’s side with loving support, encouragement, and humor, my dad began experiencing his own set of health concerns, including twitching muscles and significant muscle deterioration. One specific day, he was cleaning out his office and he remembers not being able to physically lift the garbage bag into the dumpster. He thought he was just out of shape. We all wish that was the case!

After several tests and continued symptoms, Mayo Clinic diagnosed my dad with ALS in the spring of 2015. After losing my mom to breast cancer that same year, my sisters and I rallied together to help be my father’s caregivers. Who was once a former gymnast and military man, is now slowly losing his freedom and ability to complete everyday tasks like bathing and brushing his teeth.

Every 90 minutes, someone is diagnosed with ALS. ALS affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, leading to muscle weakness, a loss of motor function, paralysis, breathing problems, and, eventually, death. Although the disease paralyzes the body, the brain is still fully functioning. For unknown reasons, military veterans are approximately twice as likely to be diagnosed with the disease.

My dad, now at the age of 52, is currently 4 years into his diagnosis. The average lifespan of a person living with ALS is 3-5 years. His health is expected to deteriorate and will need a specialized wheelchair, speaking and breathing devices, eventual around the clock care, and even alterations to our home to make it more accessible.

ALS has taken a lot from my dad and our family, but the one thing it can’t break is our love for each other. His condition worsens, but nothing can kill my dad’s spirit. Although the future is scary, he tries not to think about it too much. “I like to think that ALS has actually given me the opportunity to live my life to the fullest, like the song Live Like You Were Dying,” my dad says.

ALS comes with no handbook. Witnessing my dad’s daily struggle with this disease has been an eye-opening experience. I hope no one has to know what it means to be affected by ALS. It is my hope to share my dad’s story and raise awareness of this horrific, debilitating disease.

Together we can create a world without ALS.

Bryan Wayne Galentine


I am extremely fortunate to have had a career as a songwriter for more than 25 years now. Music has always been a huge part of my life, and I know how blessed I am; doing what I love every single day.

Not everyone can say that they’ve written a hit country music single, or heard their songs performed on the Grand Ole Opry and Country Music Television. It really is pretty fun to stand in a crowd at a concert, and hear the audience sing along to a song that you wrote. I’ve even won an award or two for my work.

I have made my living working alongside some of the very best in the music business – numerous ‘Songwriters of the Year,’ world-class musicians, and Grammy-nominated engineers and producers. I even met my wife recording a song I wrote (that’s its own story).

But a lot of that changed when I was diagnosed with ALS in April of 2017. It was a pretty terrifying time, and I knew the road ahead for me and my family was not going to be easy. Beyond the many other symptoms, the prospect of losing my voice became more and more real as each day went by; I had an increasingly difficult time swallowing and developed a persistent cough.

As I realized that my wife, my two sons, and my friends may never really hear my voice again, I decided to do something I never thought I would have – I put on my “singer” hat and made my own record.

I couldn’t think of anything better to give them than the music I wrote and sang myself – me, finally singing my own songs after so many years. With the incredible support of some old pals from the music industry, and the generosity of many close friends, I began writing and recording. For the first time, I felt I had put my own ‘voice’ into the music and lyrics – literally and figuratively. The album, While You Wait, became a series of positive messages that I hoped would inspire others, and a few songs I wrote about or for my wife and sons.

It’s funny, really – I guess I only found my voice once I started to lose it.

The process really taught me to better appreciate my wife, my sons, my family, my friends, and life in general. I wish I had gotten that wake-up call some other way, but if it took getting ALS to wake me up, so be it.

I want to help spread awareness about this disease, and why it’s so important for us to work to find a cure. I have decided instead of being angry and bitter about my diagnosis, I am going to take this opportunity to remind my friends and family how fleeting life is, and how important it is to appreciate every second. ALS has taught me to try my best, and to not take a single second for granted. Some days it’s easier said than done, but I’m trying.

At our album release party last year, my co-writers joined me on stage to help support me and sing the songs off the record. In all honesty, I needed their help; by then, ALS had essentially taken my singing voice. I had recorded the songs just in time.

Ashley Gorley, Neil Thrasher, Bonnie Baker, Jason Blaine, Joanna Janet, Big & Rich, James Otto – some of the best in the music business were right there by my side performing the songs I wrote. It was one of the best nights of my life.

I hope these songs inspire people for many years to come – to live in the moment, enjoy being with loved ones, and to always make time for what makes you happy. To quote one of the songs on the album – “To take a little time… rewind… and simplify.”

To Listen to Bryan’s album, “While You Wait”, click Here.

 To Follow Bryan on Instagram, click Here.

March 2019 ‘Science Corner’


Check out our March 2019 edition of ‘Science Corner’, with Fernando Vieira, M.D. – the Chief Scientific Officer at ALS Therapy Development Institute. Stay tuned every month for exciting updates on ALS research!

I’m often asked, “What are you most excited about with today’s ALS science? What could be the next breakthrough?”

It’s a tough question to answer, partially because ALS is itself such a complex disease. But one thing that excites and inspires me is how we are partnering with people with ALS to learn how to better combat ALS. And in turn, our scientists are now able to share back valuable, personalized insights with patients about their experience with the disease.

This idea is the cornerstone of our Precision Medicine Program (PMP), of which we’ve now enrolled more than 500 individuals with ALS, and counting. Through the PMP, people with ALS monitor their disease progression in real-time via cutting-edge technologies that detect changes in their disease, particularly their movement and speech, two areas greatly affected by ALS. This individualized information helps people make more informed decisions and better manage their ALS, their progression and response to any interventions. No other research entity actively engages people with ALS in this way, it’s a multifaceted program that is empowering people with ALS.

In an exciting science collaboration with Google, we’re combing through the large datasets collected within the PMP- medical histories, genetics, demographics, voice recordings, and activity trackers.  We’re learning ways to trace and define a person’s unique experience with ALS. We believe these approaches can reveal ways to streamline the clinical trial process, making it more agile and less expensive.

One advancement coming out of the PMP that we’re currently exploring in our lab is — utilizing human neural cells “in a dish” to model cellular weakening and death (a prominent characteristic in ALS) to identify potential medicines that could improve the neuron’s energy production and survival.

PMP is an innovative, first-of-its kind model working to drastically speed up the drug validation process for ALS. And, with these crucial data, our scientists are rethinking how we target and treat ALS, uncovering new ideas, likely treatments and pathways to an ultimate cure.

We are committed to growing PMP, enrolling at least 1,000 people with ALS in the program. An ALS breakthrough could come from this robust program, and be one of many important outcomes from our partnership alongside so many living with ALS today.

I hope you’ll encourage the people you love with ALS to reach out and get connected to this program. Please help us spread the word!

Thank you for your generous and continued support of Augie’s Quest – your giving is making our science, the growth and impact of PMP become a reality. You’re helping us get one step closer to realizing the ALS breakthroughs that will change the experience of so many with this devastating disease.

To learn more about the Precision Medicine Program, please visit

Lindsey Rainwater


There is a solution for every symptom, we must find a cure for the disease; in honor of Brian Rainwater and his courageous fight with ALS.

“There might not be a cure for the disease, but there is a solution for every symptom”, this was the response my Father always gave when faced with another progressive stage of ALS.

In the spring of 2008 my Father, at the young age of 49 years old was diagnosed with ALS – AKA, Lou Gehrig’s disease.

All my life I’d known my Father to be an energetic, engineer problem solver waking up every day with the sparkle of life in his eye. His solution to a common cold was always eat an orange, drink a cup of coffee, take two aspirin and go to work; his pace in life was focused and tenacious. I knew growing up that he always saw life through the lens of solutions- there was always a fix, never a problem that couldn’t be solved.

In 2008 when he was told he had ALS, you can imagine that his response to the way he saw the world quickly translated over to the way he saw his diagnosis.

ALS completely dismantles and destroys the mind’s ability to control the muscular system: and, in my experience, getting to know people that have been diagnosed with ALS is that the people that end up with this nasty disease are some of the most tenacious individuals I’ve ever met my life. This was no exception for my Father.

What I noticed most about the six plus years that my Dad lived with ALS was that he was completely untouched emotionally and spiritually by the nature of his physical condition. When it came to the need to modify his work so that he could continue providing for his family there was no question, he made a request for the equipment that he needed explaining the modifications necessary to now do his job with an eye gaze. Or the time he petitioned the local public transit to be able to have a wheelchair ramp in his vanpool so that he could continue his carpool commute instead of interrupting his routine to work. Never a question of submitting to being sick, instead, he always focused on finding the solution to his symptoms.

In the end his body naturally surrendered to the progression of ALS- he died on Father’s Day, 2014 after a joy-filled discussion about dogs and life decisions, the last thing I said to my dad was, “I love you, see you soon”.

I believe that everything happens for a reason, and the fact that the industry I have made my career home champions finding a cure for the very disease my Father died of, well, to me that is fate.

I cannot think of a more powerful group of solution-oriented people to take on this ambitious cause, than us.

Thank you, Augie Nieto, for your spirit and being a fighter, just like my Father did, you see the possibility of living with ALS and continuing the fight to provide hope for many. In our battle to find a cure for ALS, let’s take a page out of my Dad’s book and remember that there is always a solution if we choose to see life that way.

Augie’s Quest is working tirelessly to find a way to live with ALS, there is a solution and with the continued focus and funding I believe one day people will be able to take this disease head on and live with ALS. Thank you for helping us keep up the good fight, and thank you Daddy, for inspiring me to see the world in this way, the legacy of your perspective will live on in me for all my days.

Lindsey Rainwater is an experienced business advisor, executive coach and the founder of The Women in Fitness Association (WIFA). 

WIFA is the global fitness association supporting women in their career trajectory helping them rise to their fullest potential in business and life. 

She is known for her work advising businesses on their internal processes and systems, her original published content, additionally supporting individuals in transformational change and leadership development.

Lindsey is a widely published author, has been featured in many podcasts, books, facilitated keynote talks and workshops. In 2017, IHRSA (International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association) recognized her as a “Rising Star”. 

Her intention is to help individuals and organizations enjoy necessary change in order to succeed.


ALS won’t stop and neither will Augie’s Quest

Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS
PO Box #9886
Denver, CO 80209

T: 949-506-1007

Copyright © 2022 Augie's Quest. All Rights Reserved.