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This is my ALS: A Love Story. It’s about my mom, Lynda Warren.

The hardest part of my mom having ALS was knowing that she had planned to spend her retirement chasing her grandkids. She was diagnosed two weeks before her oldest two graduated from high school. She was able to see that, be a part of that celebration, but then it all seemed to progress so quickly.

Within two months she was confined to her bed or her (uncomfortable) wheelchair.

I was sad and felt cheated — for her and her grandkids, her greatest joy.

But then, we all decided we wouldn’t give our final days to ALS. We would LOVE every day. By doing so, our family would WIN.

If love alone could cure ALS, no one else would ever have to suffer its cruelty. But if we love deeply and freely, we take away the power of ALS and instead let it empower us.

ALS won’t stop and neither will Augie’s Quest

Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS
PO Box #9886
Denver, CO 80209

T: 949-506-1007

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