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Los Angeles Angels partner with Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS to host Lou Gehrig Day

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Orange County local Johnny Rodriguez and family attend Angel’s Baseball batting practice and represent the ALS community at June 3rd game against the San Diego Padres.

“The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim are once again, proud to partner with Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS in our Lou Gehrig Day celebration.  On Monday, June 3rd at our game against the San Diego Padres, we’ve invited Johnny Rodriguez and his family to represent the ALS community on field before the game and attend batting practice.  Johnny is the varsity lacrosse coach at Mater Dei High School and a young father to two little boys with his wife Cristina.  Johnny’s initiative “Athlete’s vs. ALS” inspires us all to do more to help families living with ALS and embodies the spirit of Lou Gehrig himself!”

Los Angeles Dodgers partner with Augie’s Quest to host Lou Gehrig Day

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Augie’s Quest was honored to be a part of the Los Angeles Dodger’s Lou Gehrig Day on Sunday, June 2nd.  Johnny Rodriguez represented Augie’s Quest and Athletes vs. ALS by throwing out the first pitch.  Other Southern California ALS families in attendance included Erin and Lily Taylor (tag), and Rick Canter and family.

Dodger Fans, in honor of Lou Gehrig Day, throwing out today’s honorary first pitch is Athletes vs. ALS founder Johnny Rodriguez. Johnny is a former professional athlete who had a successful college lacrosse career before being drafted into the professional lacrosse league. He is currently a beloved and respected lacrosse coach and was recently credited with turning the team’s lacrosse program into a perennial nationally ranked team over the last decade.  

After his diagnosis with ALS in the Fall of 2023 at the age of 35, Johnny partnered with Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS, motivating his community to raise critical funds for ALS research. Rodriguez goal is to help provide hope to people living with ALS.  


Los Angeles, California – June 2: Colorado Rockies vs Los Angeles Dodgers at Dodger Stadium on Sunday, June 2, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Juan Ocampo/Los Angeles Dodgers)

Los Angeles, California – June 2: Colorado Rockies vs Los Angeles Dodgers at Dodger Stadium on Sunday, June 2, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Jon SooHoo/Los Angeles Dodgers)

Los Angeles, California – June 2: Colorado Rockies vs Los Angeles Dodgers at Dodger Stadium on Sunday, June 2, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Juan Ocampo/Los Angeles Dodgers)


Los Angeles, California – June 2: Colorado Rockies vs Los Angeles Dodgers at Dodger Stadium on Sunday, June 2, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Juan Ocampo/Los Angeles Dodgers)

Los Angeles, California – June 2: Colorado Rockies vs Los Angeles Dodgers at Dodger Stadium on Sunday, June 2, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Juan Ocampo/Los Angeles Dodgers)

Augie’s Quest Research Update

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We lost our hero, Augie Nieto, on February 22, 2023. Augie’s Quest lives on as Augie lived. We stay true to his vision, his heart, and his relentless focus on driving breakthroughs in ALS research. We exist to fund the top science to change lives.

We’re proud of our partnership with the ALS Therapy Development Institute, and what the funding from Augie’s Quest has contributed to this past year including:

  • Identifying lifestyle factors through the ALS Research Collaborative that could play a role in the risk of developing ALS or potentially contribute to a slower progression of the disease. This valuable information has the potential to guide future generations in better understanding ways to influence the progression of ALS or even prevent its development. This dataset is made possible through the generous contribution of essential data by nearly 1000 individuals with ALS, and your past support of Augie’s Quest.
    • This de-identified data is shared with researchers around the world to advance the global effort to find effective treatments for ALS.
  • Funding of the Augie’s Quest Translational Research Center that
  • Initiated collaborative studies, using advanced cell biology techniques, to explore two new drug targets– medicine intervention points – in motor neurons from people with ALS grown in the lab.
  • Developed new techniques for growing and studying axons – the long connections between neurons and muscles – in the lab.
    • These long connections break down in ALS. Understanding how they break down and discovering ways to stop that is important for developing effective treatments.
  • Initiated important studies of the how cells from people with ALS handle or mishandled critical RNA molecules.
    • RNA molecules carry the instructions from human genes to the rest of the cell so that the cells can function properly. This is impaired in ALS and will likely need to be repaired. Scientists in the AQ TRC are exploring treatments that might address this dysfunction.

We proudly use the tagline “incurable is unacceptable,” because we can’t stop, we won’t stop, until there are treatments available for everyone with ALS that truly improve their lives and end this horrible disease. 

Augie in Loving Memory

Augie Nieto Dies at Age 65

By Champions One Comment

Fitness Industry Mogul, Founder of Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS & Hero to ALS Families


Orange County, CA  (February 24, 2003) — With deep sadness, Augie’s Quest shares the news that its founder, beloved leader and ALS champion, Augie Nieto, died, surrounded by his family on February 22, 2023, just seven days past his 65th Birthday.

Augie was the fitness industry mogul credited for the success of Lifecycle, Life Fitness and Octane Fitness brands.   In 2005, at the height of his career, he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, a progressive nervous system disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, causing loss of muscle control.

Shortly after his diagnosis, he and his wife Lynne, co-founded Augie’s Quest, a nonprofit laser focused on raising the funds and awareness needed to advance cutting-edge research and fast-track effective treatments to ultimately cure ALS.   With the fierce tenacity he used to revolutionize the modern-day fitness industry, Augie, expended that same high-energy and business acumen to transform how ALS research is conducted today.

Since 2005, under Augie’s leadership, nearly $200 million has been raised for ALS research. These funds helped to establish the Augie’s Quest Translational Research Center at the ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI) to better understand the mechanisms of how ALS affects the body and use the knowledge to develop new, more effective treatments for the disease. A crowning achievement, Augie’s Quest funding has led to development of Tegoprubart (formerly AT-1501), one of the most promising ALS treatments in development today and marks the very first time in history a non-profit organization research project has reached this stage of drug development.

As a leader in an industry dedicated to maintaining muscle strength and performance, it is tragic irony that Augie’s disease robbed him of the strength and use of his body.  But, ALS could not take away his fierce competitive nature, determination, drive and love of life, friends and family.  A visionary and true hero to so many ALS families, Augie galvanized the global fitness industry, caproate partners, individual donors, ALS families and friends, to join forces to change the way people live with ALS.

In Augie’s own words: “Please keep me in your hearts…please help continue the progress of Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS. Please help Lynne to carry on the mission – the second finest achievement of my life. Because I will be in your heart, I will get to experience the joy when we discover a cure.”

His life story was chronicled in the award-winning film, AugieTo honor of Augie’s memory, visit Augie’s Quest.    

***updated video of Augie’s Celebration



ALS won’t stop and neither will Augie’s Quest

Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS
PO Box #9886
Denver, CO 80209

T: 949-506-1007

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